Hiking in the Harz

The hiker’s longing in the Harzer Natural wonders

The Harz nature has a mystical effect when the mist rises and the sun paints pictures in it. Full of small and large natural wonders, the Harz is an experience at any time of year.

In the Harz National Park, which borders the towns of Braunlage and Sankt Andreasberg, you can discover true mountain wilderness. Here, nature is allowed to be nature and revert to a natural primeval forest.

The mountain village of Hohegeiß lies directly on the Green Belt. Here you can experience the Harz border trail with contemporary witnesses.


10.000 km

Signposted hiking trails

971 m


94 km

Harzer Hexenstieg


Stamping points of the Harzer Wandernadel 12 of them in our three locations

Experience mysterious Harz nature

We have many well-signposted hiking trails around Braunlage, Hohegeiß and Sankt Andreasberg, as well as well-cleared winter hiking trails.

The southern Brocken bypass of the Harzer-Hexen-Stiege borders directly on Braunlage and Sankt Andreasberg.

There are also well-marked routes suitable for prams and wheelchairs, as well as information along the way thanks to the so-called Dennert firs.

The guided hikes, including those by the Harz National Park, Lower Saxony State Forests or NABU e. V., offer plenty of information and insights into nature in the Harz.

Adventure hikes await you at the stag-rutting experience in Sankt Andreasberg, bat excursions as well as our myth hike.

At the Rehberger Grabenhaus in Sankt Andreasberg you can observe native animals during wildlife feedings.

© Braunlage Tourismus Marketing GmbH


The most famous hiking trail leads in 5 stages with 2 alternative routes from Osterode over the Brocken to Thale. With a distance of over 150km, it combines everything that makes the Harz special: culture, history, untouched nature and geology. The southern Brocken bypass borders directly on Braunlage and St. Andreasberg and leads through the UNESCO World Heritage Site Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft.


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Nationalpark Harz

Venture on a hike through the mystical mountains and discover secret tours through the Harz forests! The beautiful nature and national park stretches around the Brocken. The deep gorges, cliffs and valleys, together with the harsh climate, create ideal living conditions for the animal and plant world. The perfect environment for an exciting hiking holiday in the Harz mountains! The legendary mountain landscape is thus home to countless rare animals and plants, which you can marvel at for yourself on a hike.


© Siegfried Richter

Harzer Grenzweg

The "Green Belt", the valuable chain of biotopes along the former inner-German border, is now a centrepiece of nature. In the Harz Mountains, the Harzer Grenzweg (Harz Border Trail) runs for about 90 kilometres past contemporary witnesses of German-German history. From May to October, the Hohegeiß tourist information office offers border walks with contemporary witnesses from West and East on request.


© Braunlage Tourismus Marketing

Harzer Wandernadel

With 222 official posts you will be guided to the most beautiful places in the Harz. Great views, exciting stories and nature experiences are just waiting for you. You will be rewarded with awards in Bronze, Silver, Gold, as a Hiking King and the Hiking Emperor awaits those who hike all 222 stamps.


Photography is more than pressing the shutter button

Bettina Rheims

© Andreas Levi Photomedia

Photo hike

If you like to be out in nature, enjoy the impressive landscape and want to use your camera more safely, then these hikes are just right for you! Spend a beautiful day in the Harz Mountains on a photo hike with Andreas Levi.

"Nature savant at heart"

National Park Partner

As tourist information in the national park community, a partnership with the Harz National Park is, of course, not to be missed. We work closely with specific topics such as forest development, outward appearance and other projects. We are happy to be a part of a great network and also to develop sustainable projects with other partners throughout the Harz.

You can visit the national park exhibition in the Kurgastzentrum in Braunlage, the national park house in Sankt Andreasberg or you can visit the now very well established art exhibition "Natur-Mensch" every year.

As a national park partner, we are committed to more sustainability in tourism in the national park region and would like to protect our unique nature in the national park and at the same time make it possible for you to experience it.


eine Illustration eines Rucksacks
“Even the longest march begins with the first step. ”

Laozi, Chinese philosopher, lived in the 6th century BC.

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