Youth Hostel Braunlage

Short facts

  • Braunlage

Your home: Braunlage Youth Hostel

The youth hostel Braunlage is located on the edge of the forest amidst tall spruce trees,
directly on the Harzer-Hexen-Stieg and has been awarded as "National Park Friendly Accommodation".
The town center is within walking distance. Directly in front of the front door start numerous hiking trails and - in winter - ski trails.

Individual guests, families, school classes, hiking, sports and youth groups like to use our offer with diverse programs and beautiful hiking tours.

Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk

Von-Langen-Straße 28

38700 Braunlage


Phone: +49 5520 / 2238

Mobile: +49 5520 / 2238

Fax: +49 5520 / 1569



General information

WeekdayTime of day
Monday - Sunday
07:00 bis 20:00
General Information
  • Parking Available
  • Suitable for any weather
  • for Groups
  • for Class
  • for families
  • for Children of all Ages
Foreign Language
  • German
Payment Options
  • Cash
  • Debit Card
  • Transfer
Other Furnishing/Equipment
  • Children Entertainment Corner (indoors)
  • Children's Playground (outdoors)
  • Toilet
Hygiene and infection control measures
  • Heed the hygiene instructions
Price info
Next steps

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