Segway Tours in Braunlage

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  • Walkenried OT Wieda

Segway Tours in Braunlage

Panorama tour to the forest café Forellenteich

A touch of fairytale feeling is in the air on this SEGWAY tour. Nestled in a unique natural landscape is the enchantingly romantic Waldcafe Forellenteich in Brunnenbachtal. Almost like Hansel and Gretel, you can take a break in this rustic little house. The hosts will spoil you with trout specialities, homemade soups and home-made cakes in a cosy atmosphere. An enjoyable SEGWAY excursion that is guaranteed to make you forget all your everyday worries.  

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Panoramaweg 24

37445 Walkenried OT Wieda


Mobile: +49 5586 / 8383

Fax: +49 5586 / 8383


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