Red mine bear

Short facts

  • Sankt Andreasberg

Red mine bear

The Tagesstollen of the Roter Bär iron ore mine, which was set up as a visitor mine, provides an authentic insight into the world of former Harz mining.
The areas that are easily accessible today provide interesting geological insights and show the mining techniques used in the 1920s, e. g. blind shaft construction site with compressed air coil.
Guided tours:
April - October every Saturday at 2 pm.

For larger groups or other dates, please only with prior notification to the mine administration at

Lehrbergwerk Grube Roter Bär

Roter Bär 1

37444 Sankt Andreasberg


Phone: +49 175 / 7902110

Mobile: +49 175 / 7902110



General information

WeekdayTime of day
14:00 bis 15:00
Hygiene and infection control measures
  • Heed the hygiene instructions
Price info

Free of charge, donation appreciated.

Next steps

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