World Heritage Upper Harz Water Management

Short facts

  • Göttingen

In the Harz Mountains you can experience European history.

In the 16th century, a unique system of tunnels, ditches, ponds and mines was built in parts of the Lower Saxon Harz and served to operate the water wheels in the mines. It was used to operate the pumps, transport miners or even ore barrels. It was the water supply that made it possible to operate what were once the deepest mines in the world and made the Harz the largest silver producer in Europe during the Baroque period. This is how the Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft (Upper Harz Water Management) came into being for the first time.

Visitors can get to know the history of the "Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft" "up close and personal" above ground, but also gain insights into the fascinating world of mining in the Harz underground. The so-called "WasserWanderWege" (water hiking trails) lead along beautiful routes along ditches, watercourses and ponds. Information boards explain how these masterpieces of hydraulic engineering work. The "WasserWanderWege" are located in the Harz Nature Park or National Park and also give an impression of the beauty and diversity of nature in the Harz.
To get to know the World Heritage Site and receive expert information on the creation and functioning of the Upper Harz Water Management System, we recommend a guided tour with one of the certified World Heritage Guides.

Welterbe Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft

Nonnenstieg 28

37075 Göttingen


Phone: +49 551 / 20 19 24 81


General information

Hygiene and infection control measures
  • Heed the hygiene instructions
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