Northeimer Turngemeinde

Short facts

  • Sankt Andreasberg

Club and class trips in the ski lodge of the Northeimer Turngemeinde.

The ski hut of the Northeimer Turngemeinde was built by the ski department in 1956 and completed two years later.
Since then it offers 29 beds in eight rooms, three lounges, a kitchen and showers and WC.
Guests are always welcome!

Northeimer Turngemeinde

Am Gesehr 21

37444 Sankt Andreasberg


Phone: +49 05551 / 51848

Mobile: +49 05551 / 51848



General information

For inquiries you can call the office: 05551/51848
Opening hours: Tuesday and Friday from 08.00 - 12.00 and Thursday from 13.00 - 18.00 (except public vacations, school vacations and days off).
General Information
  • Parking Available
  • Suitable for any weather
  • for Groups
  • for Class
  • for families
  • for Children of all Ages
Foreign Language
  • German
Payment Options
  • Cash
  • Transfer
Other Furnishing/Equipment
  • Toilet
Hygiene and infection control measures
  • Heed the hygiene instructions

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, Closed all holidays

Price info

Current price information can be obtained by calling the telephone number 05551/51848.

Next steps

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