© NORDSTADTLICHT / Tobias Brabanski

Climate Hiking in Braunlage in the harz

The health-promoting power of climate hiking in the Harz Mountains


Climate hiking, a term that has become increasingly important in recent years, refers to hiking at different altitudes and in different natural environments to promote health.

The Harz Mountains offer ideal conditions for fully utilising the benefits of climate hiking.

The positive climatic factors of the Braunlager region are the coolness and wind, as well as the increased proportion of UV radiation from the sun.


3 x

Climate hiking routes in Braunlage

4,5 h

hiking time

18 Km

Well signposted hiking trails

100 %

mental recovery

The effect of the body

1. Mountain air and cardiovascular system


Hiking at higher altitudes in the Harz promotes the cardiovascular system. The air is thinner here. The body has to work harder to get enough oxygen. This can strengthen the heart muscles and improve general stamina.

In addition, the mountain air often has a cleansing effect on the lungs, which can be particularly beneficial for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

2. Mental recovery through nature experience

The picturesque nature of the Harz Mountains has not only physical but also psychological benefits. Forests, streams and mountains offer a welcome break from stressful everyday life and allow for deep relaxation and regeneration.

Hiking in such an environment can help to reduce stress and increase general well-being.

3. Muscle strengthening and coordination

Hiking on different types of paths and terrain not only trains your endurance, but also your leg muscles. Steep climbs strengthen the leg muscles, uneven paths challenge your balance and activate little-used tendons and joints.

This makes climate hiking a holistic workout for the body.

4. Climatic stimuli and immune system

The different climatic zones in the Harz Mountains, from lower to higher altitudes, offer a range of climatic stimuli. These changing conditions can stimulate and strengthen the immune system, which in turn improves the body's defences against illness. Different seasons offer different opportunities and experiences for climate hikers.

Cold winter air in particular is often cleaner and fresher than warm summer air, as it contains fewer pollutants and allergens.

Climate hiking is not only an opportunity to experience the special nature of the Harz Mountains, but also an effective way to promote physical and mental health. It combines the therapeutic effects of exercise, fresh air and experiencing nature and makes Braunlage in particular an ideal place for anyone who wants to boost their health in a natural way

Huby Eimbeck, Climate therapist

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