WatersideWalk Lautenthaler Kunstgraben

Short facts

  • start: Wildemann: Parking lot at the lower end of the town on the L515 in the direction of Lautenthal
  • destination: Lautenthal: Waldkater car park on the L516 Lautenthal - Hahnenklee
  • medium
  • 9,51 km
  • 3 hours
  • 183 m
  • 424 m
  • 357 m
  • 60 / 100
  • 40 / 100

best season

Hike along a water transport ditch from Wildemann to Lautenthal.

The water transport ditch was constructed in the 16th century. It was used to transport water from Wildemann to the mines in Lautenthal.

The mines were quite high up on the mountains. Therefore the water had to come from even higher. The Lautenthaler Kunstgraben ditch winds along steep slopes.

The path next to the ditch was once used for maintenance of the ditch. Today it is an excellent hiking path. In many places there are fantastic views of the Innerste Valley.

For example from the "Siebenwochenklippe".


The hiking route is 9.5 km long. The signboards along the way will tell you more about the Lautenthaler Kunstgraben.

On the path you can even see how the ditch was built in various stages. And you will learn how the water was used in the mines.

General information


This WatersideWalk starts in Wildemann at the portal of the 13-Lachter-Stollen drainage gallery. From there you can follow the Lautenthaler Kunstgraben ditch through the Innerstetal. The last section above Lautenthal follows the Mining Information Path.


Take a short detour to the Maaßener Gaipel restaurant. There you can take a break to eat and drink something.


Wildemann: Parking lot at the lower end of the L515 in the direction of LautenthalLautenthal: Waldkater parking lot on the L516 Lautenthal - Hahnenklee


Martin Schmidt: WasserWanderWege – Ein Führer durch das Oberharzer Wasserregal – UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe, 4. Auflage, Papierflieger Verlag GmbH, Clausthal-Zellerfeld 2012, ISBN 978-3-86948-200-2 UNESCO-Welterbe - Bergwerk Rammelsberg, Altstadt Goslar und Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft Faltbroschüre im DIN lang Format, die die zugehörigen touristischen Einrichtungen entlang der Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft mit einem Kurztext und Fotos darstellt. Auf der Rückseite befinden sich drei Übersichtskarten, die die Welterbe-Wege, die touristischen Ziele und die Lage des Welterbes insgesamt zeigen. Preis: 2,00 € Erhältlich bei allen Touristinformationen der Region oder online unter shop.harzinfo.de.

Additional Information

Oberharzer Bergwerksmuseum

Bornhardtstr. 16
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Tel: 05323 98950


Stiftung UNESCO-Welterbe im Harz

Bergtal 19
38640 Goslar
Tel: 05321 750 114



  • Asphalt Coating (46%)
  • Hiking Trail (22%)
  • Path (26%)
  • Crushed Rock (6%)


Next steps

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